Category: Charity

Dec 10

Dove Cake by Cake Story

Cake Story introduced a new cake for the Human Right Day called the Dove Cake made with coconut and almond.

Part of the proceeds of the sale will go to charity.

Dove Cake


Aug 09

Support #Pumps4Kids Campaign

The Pumps4Kids campaign is to raise funds to provide insulin pumps for children with type 1 diabetes in Kuwait. Insulin Pumps can go a long way towards protecting Diabetic children from the physical and emotional suffering caused by 1,460 insulin injections every year.

تهدف هذه الحملة بجمع التبرعات لتزويد أطفال مرض السكر بمضخات الأنسولين التى تقوم بدورها على قياس نسبة احتياج الجسم للأنسولين وتضخ الأنسولين من تلقاء نفسها

You can send D to Zain 99935 & Wataniya 1922 to donate KWD1.000 with each SMS

For more info on Pumps 4 Kids please visit

Source: {Ansam518}

Jul 27

Help Muslims in Burma

via Whatsapp

ساهموا في إغاثة إخواننا وأخواتنا المسلمين في بورما الذين يتعرضون للتطهير العرقي من قبل الحكومه البورميه لمجرد كونهم مسلمين!

اللهم ارحمهم برحمتك الواسعه، اللهم فرج همهم وكربهم وانصرهم على من أراد بهم السوء

ُEman Way {Twitter} مبـرة طريق الإيمــان
Nabeel Al-Awadhi
{Twitter} نبيـــل العوضـــي


Jul 27

The Bed Shop Ramadan Campaign

“We have come up with a campaign for this Ramadan where we are offering our customers an additional 5% discount when they donate their old mattresses /beds for the needy through us. In addition, a certificate will be issued from the Charity Organization to the customer, confirming their donation.” — THE BED SHOP

Facebook: {Link}
Twitter/Instagram: @TheBedShopKW

Source: {Ansam518}
